Tuesday, November 4, 2008

bubur nasi untuk muadz

So excited to prepare my baby first fresh food, i try tips from the net. when muadz is 6 mons i dont really know what to fed him, so i take my babysitter advice to let him try instant bcereal first-that is to make him learn on how to swallow food. and now.. as im getting ready and prepared.mind set.i dnt like my baby to take instant food actualy..i like my baby to have a fresh one.

So I start,I wash a batch of rice, then i dry them in my kuali, in the oven also can. but my oven is rosak already cannot use,then blend the rice to powdery,haha..this part bising sangat my baby terkejut woo.. after that keep them in airtight container. so.. i wake up this evening put the powdery rice into cooking pot....then biar dia masaik..Cooking time is very much lessen.

i gave to my baby sitter in small2 container.
soooooo excited..hehe..

1 comment:

undark said...

awe, ingat lg kite? welcome to the parenting world..huhu congrats on your newborn..dah lmbat beno wish..heh!http://undark.wordpress.com