Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Impact If Did Not do proper Sign-Off in time

I have always face this issue when i want to get users to sign -off their document. They refuse to sign-off especially for unforseen businees process and uncertain on their process. Thus they unable to decide. In this case, i will talk and take only current fact which is certain and i know what is the impact. on unforseen and cannot do decision. The meeting will last for the wole day -sickening and end result is unknown. no decision.  For this. force to sign off. Without sign-off unable to start next stage of the implementation since no firm requirement. full stop. Time is in essence. Mandays n charges is there. consultant effort is there.
As second case. Which i learnt recently, dnt simply take so-called 2-3 days job as so called easy job by some people which tey also did not have full requirement. even have the requirement also it might be wrong. I've been cheated few times and thhey have played me around. i feel stupid for unable to get the requirement right and regret for boses who agreed to the requirement. It is very unfair and im blank.
I did not know which solutions to use thus keep doing RnD. in facet, boses also dnt know and rely totally from the information given ,no one as done this job before and no one to refer to. even the senior consultant also said nothing. Good Luck. What a difficult situation when there is no morale support. rely on urself. and what a lack of management skills i have. better arrange everyting next time. give urself time. cannot means cannot and dnt try to push again. too much of stress i break down and cry many times. personal and work related.
This is taking too long. They finally sign-off but there is another problem after that. Which is i also concern though its not under my pocket anymore.
I hate this. im thinking to leave consultant job. leaving 4k going 5k salary behind-. Just being normal. Just stay at home and play with my children. and maybe do some SOHO or WAHM.
When is the time. still dnt know.
oh. im pregnant  second child. seriously thinking to move to another job.


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

My Kain Collection

Nta bila la semua ni nak jadik baju.. dok nampak kain ajer lagi.
Black ni beli kat Silk House kt Kajang ker.. da luper plak

Ungu ni Walid yang pili mase pergi Tangkak ari tu. Kedia Kain Kah Bee. byk borong kt dia lah

O..ini antara yang termahal sket. semeter rm36. promotion . tak promotion rm40++.. Original China Silk.takut lak nak gunting kain nih, kang ade gak yang hantar ke kadai jait nih.

Ini pun Walid yang pilih.. abstrack sikit. ade sikit bling
Kedai Kain Kah BEe,Tangkak.

Ini dr Bancik. Balik dr Vietnam dia belikan utk semua org. >< same pattern diff color. Awe amik colour Blue.. sepatutnya jadik cam Vietnam nyer traditional dress tuh. tgkla.. jadik blouse labuh kot. nak kene lining kain ni. jarang sikit. aii... tak tau lagik bila nak wat.

Ini Walid belikan ade org office dia jual. cam corak batik. ade different tone. skejap tgk kaler lain.tapi dlm gambar ni.. tak leh le,, cahaya lampu kalimantang tu dapat satu kaler ajer.

yang cotton2 punyer pun actually ade jugak tak tau nak wat ape. dulu sibuk beli cotton tu pasal nak wat awning utk tudung. tapi rajin bermusim jugakla. mungkin cotton tu jadik sarung tilam n bantal utk adik Mua'dz kot. hehehe

Baju Melayu Walid

Akhirnya siap juga baju melayu yang diidamkan Walid after 2 years when ummi started to pick up activity menjahit. Sungguh berbagai dugaan ditempuh nak siapkan baju ni dalam waktu yang sama terikat dengan komitmen kerja n jaga Mua'dz. I told you, menangis nak siapkan baju ni.
tak tau all the hard work ade ganjaran tak? ehehe. Im expecting something. at least Walid da janji HTC phone tu. tunggu.. Im waiting.....

Macam mana pun, setelah siap baju melayu Walid, Ummi tertinggal pulak baju kurung sendiri yang tak siap lagi. So end up 2 mlm continoues menjahit dr kul 3 until sahur. mlm after solat isyak or terawih pun sambung balik jahit. .Ape yang Walid cakap ?? "Sape suru tangguh kerja..." Ces.. mane ade tangguh. all the while nak siapkan baju dia ler.. uish da siap tu.. terus ambil masuk mesin basuh n Walid jugak yang sidai.. (Nampak excited)

Ok.. continue balik. akhirnya today 17 sep barula baju kurung Ummi siap. tak lama pun nak buat dia. tapi tak jait kemasan leher lagik. ingat kalau mata lalat pun cun. cuma.. leer tu dah letak lapik. tak paya kemasan2 ni pun takpe.

TAdi pagi roger kakak tanyer kalau2 boleh tolong jait manik kt baju tu. apa yang kakak bagitau.. rupaya kakak punye baju pun tak settle lagi. pulun baju org.hehe. takpelah. jumpa kakak kat tepeng nanti mintak kakak jait yg simple2 pun takper.

Ni gambar baju melayu walid, tapi masa ambil gambar nih seluar dia tak siap lagi

Thursday, September 3, 2009

When its time to update blog

My life full with activities. Nothing extraordinary. just normal ordinary life. Im still thinking of what are the things to update again... since im way too busy with daily work errands and house wife chores. At least i can update something that is usefull to others. But doesn't really matter at all. As long as im happy and satisfied. :P