Wednesday, December 31, 2008

On my way to make my own tudung/jilbab

My SIL bought a lot of jilbab from jakarta so called known as jilbab permata. really nice and fact, im wearing it today. i wear type 7. know what. now im looking to make my own tudung pulak. Tudung ariania,ariani,calista design lah.. macam2 dah sekarang ni. wah.. im super exited when this morning baru saje order starter kit utk buat tudung ni. I can't wait.
Nowaday, when i walk around i always look people to what attire they are wearing, what tudung, how match is it, hahaha..bukan aper.. to find idea n ilham.. to look modern n stylish. but still covering aurat. what i mean here.. muslim fashion.
