Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Preparation Kelahiran Anak

Ini cerita sikit2 pasal preparation yg Ummi buat dulu dulu dulu masa time Muadz-Aqilah
Selain preparation untuk barang2 keperluan, Ummi sendiri heavily active in forum and going classes. Nervous punya pasalla, tak takut ke nak bersalin .. takut la..

Ringkasan dia macam kt bawah ni

a. Seawal2 dah terjebak dgn forum Susuibu.com
    Membeli belah online breastpump,etc pun kt Susuibu.com + Fabulous Mom.

b. Ummi ngan Walid ke ParentCraft Class by Pn Rita Rahayu (if not mistaken) sudah lupa.
Dekat PPUM.
From the PPUM website ..

"This classes was organized so that all pregnant mothers who attended the class can have more information on pregnancy,,delivery process,selfcare after delivery & care of newborn babies and breastfeeding.They will also be taught on bathing of the newborn baby.This classes will be held every alternate Saturday of the month at Training Division 1st floor Trauma & Kecemasan.For booking it advisable if the mother is at 30 weeks of pregnancy.Registration and payment of RM 50 can be made at the nurses counter in Antenatal clinic during the antenatal check up. "

aa...begitulah adanya. Sangat eksaited. Praktikal semua ada. Feel It, (termasuk Walid skali kene practise berastfeed baby n jadi model atas katil tuk bersalin) ;p

So.. dari sini.. confident level sudah tinggi tuk mentallly and physically prepare tuk labour and process after that.. ie.. Parenthood Journey!

Masa time Aqilah,(engine masih panas) pengalaman dah byk mengajar, jadi untuk masa ni Ummi lebih focus kepada bagaimana nak enhance diri sendiri dari segi penjagaan semasa mengandung, selepas bersalin, (lagi2 walid takde kt sisi pasal g kursus- kehendak perkhidmatan)
Alhamdulillah, prosess kelahiran yang mudah.

Tapi yang no 3 ni.. sudah lupa la itu semua.. engine tak panas
So.. Ummi kena panaskan engine balik.
Start doing research balik.
Moreover,plan untuk homebirth pulak.
Maka banyaklah buku untuk dibaca


On Mental Preparation:
1.The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

2.The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

On Childbirth:1.http://www.childbirthinternational.com/information/reading_list.pdf (comprehensive list here but I'll include some of my favorites)
2.Ina May's Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin
3.Hypnobirthing by Marie Mongan
4.Childbirth without Fear, by Grantley Dick-Read
5.Unassisted Childbirth, by Laura Shanley

--excerpt from the reading list from the group (gentle homebirth malaysia)

Ummi pun terjebak dgn Home/Unassisted Birth Malaysia Group + The Gentle Birthing group Malaysia kt FB.
Hardcore. Barulah tau y certain2 people doesn't like to bersalin kt hospital - a lot of reason.
Even Dr, midwife also are in the group. pergh.

Kita cuma merancang.. But of course.. tetap pergi booking tempat jugak kt Annur. :) hihi...
Takut ? takut ? Ada berani ka ?
Takutla Walidddddd..........

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