Friday, June 8, 2012

Hidup mesti terus : Kelisa Top Overhaul

Dear Lovely Kelisa,

You has been loyal to me (as i also been loyal to you :)  ),
It is almost 6 years that we have been together,
Since wira aeroback - RIP,
You have double the hardship and the effort to serve us both, (me and husband),
Weekly travelling to Johor,Penang,Melaka, Seremban,
You did your best
And we did our best to take care of you.


Oh tak tahan dah.
Let's go straigth to the point,
Last wednesday,
Ummi tersadai kt East-West Link (sebelah hentian seputeh)
due to Kelisa nyer Temprature naik sampai HOT HOT VERY HOT
Nasib Ummi ditemankan dgn Shaz, Kawan satu Office. Lucky
Kalau sensorang hadapi enjin kete berasap sapa tak susah hati

Call Walid-Walid cakap nak datang lepas amik anak2 dari taska,
Shaz call hubby
Tak lama kemudian hubby Shaz datang
Chit Chat for a while,
Knowing what to do..
Waited from 6.00 pm  to 6.30 pm untuk enjin cool down, tambah air. kering terus radiator,
Tunggu Walid and anak2 . arrive around 7.00pm
Masa tu Alhamdulillah semua dah selesai,
Shaz balik ngn hubby. Thank you Shaz + Hubby for helping out.

Walid drive Kelisa, anak2 semua mau ikut Walid. huhu
Ummi bwk Wish tu,
All arrive safely to Bangi,
Kelisa tu terus send to w/shop dekat area rumah tu ..Tayaria- sbelah RedWok.

Check sana Check sini
likely ...
change the top set gasket,
water pump pipe,
oil sump gasket,
engine oil,
radiator fan,
change timing belt
and other services lah tu yang ummi tau lagi lagi tak tahu nanti tgk receipt la
Walid cakap costs around RM1400.

Perghhhhhhhhh..........macam ni eh rege kalau dah kene top overhaul.

Huhu~~ In the end, Ummi terpaksa jugak keluarkan duit simpanan Ummi
Untukmu Kelisa. (pasal duit dah abis beli perabot--sape suruh beli)

Dalam masa yang sama, Alhamdulillah, refund LHDN dah debited.
Cukupla duit tuk tol.minyak,parking, makan nasi lemak untul sebulan ni.

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