Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Kembali Bekerja.....Stress Betul

Merely personal tought.

A lot of things happen when Ummi make a comeback to work. Obviously need to triple up the effort. Yes indeed try to triple up the effort but unknown what are the things that holds Ummi back.

For example in the event of :

When a things needs to be done it needs to be done! When things are crucial - 'Ummi sakit pulak-semua pun sebab side effect 1 bulan pertama pakai IUCD' - But..who are there to help? takde! None! Y? Because Ummi is ALONE! doing a project at client side. Sickening! and Dont want to take MC jugak. Jadi atas dasar bertanggungjawab..kuteruskan jua walau sudah tahu kesudahannya.......

Very important things that Ummi learnt :

1. Always know what you are suppose to do and not suppose to do. (Wait! Am i suppose to do this? hahahha)
2. Always know your scope of work.
3. Users/Customer will always wanted consultant to do more and more for them as and this is NONBILABLE! Impact is.. Things that we do free for them they never ask but keep asking things that we havent do for them which is BILLABLE. Waste of time saje buat kerja yang tak patut buat.
4. Everything must be in BLACK or WHITE!

~Smile..It's Sunnah~

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