Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Exam Stress and IMS (Irritable Male Syndrome)

Pernah amik exam?
Tahu tak rasa betapa stressnyer kalau nak amik exam?
Tahu tak stressnyer preparation untuk amik exam?
Stress. Exam Stress.

This entry specificly is for men.

Have heard of IMS ?
What often triggers IMS is ACUTE or CHRONIC stress. More like a male
menopause syndrome tapi affect men at all age. and.. not like woman
monthly they have PMS, this..could be all the time.

Yes, stress in a modern life style dah jadik macam norm!~Normal.
Prices that need to pay nowadays.

Men,tend to taking out their frustrations on those who are closest to
them. CLOSEST!
Stress begini, patutkah orang keliling jadi mangsa?

Second, men's irritability, blame, and anger seem excessive and more
explosive. Wow, tanya sikit soalan remeh2 suddenly out of nowhere tak
pasal2 kene herdik or at least didowngrade kan. 'He jump down to his
throat!' Yelling!
Patutkah mereka ini dimarah hanya sebab kesalahan yang remeh?

Patutkah ?

What is IMS ?

Q: What do you call a man who is always tired, miserable, and irritable?
A: Normal.

Q: How can you tell if a man has Irritable Male Syndrome?
A: You ask him to pass the salt, and he yells, "Take, take,
take—that's all you ever do!"

You? Terpinga-pinga. (apa salah aku?)

These are the symptoom:
in humans, caused by a drop in the male hormone testosterone include:

Anger and social withdrawal
Mood swings
Stomach cramps
Hot flashes
Lack of libido
Back and head aches

Have time to explore more? Here. I ask Mr Wiki.

I ask Mr Google.

IMS :What Is It and Is It Real?. The Irritable Male Syndrome: Managing
the Four Key Causes of Depression and Aggression

Men, IMS can create havoc in your life and those who love you as well.
(truely agree. Those who loved you were also affected -directly)

It is norm sometimes u felt stress.
Just dont let either IMS or PMS ruined your beautiful healthy married
life,family and ur loved one also those who love you.

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